Nicolon crop clearance fabrics
Nicolon Crop clearance fabrics can be used for the mechanical clearing of greenhouses. The width of the product is adjusted to the working widths of the crop clearance machinery. For preventing a narrowing effect or damage to the sides of the fabric (fraying), the product has reinforced edges. This makes them durable and re usable, even at high pulling forces of the clearance machines.
Nicolon crop clearance fabrics combine light weight with very high strength, which facilitates easy and fast cleaning of crop and substrate with very limited risk of failure during operation. Nicolon crop
clearance fabrics are made to withstand the high tensile force during the pulling process of a crop shredder.
Both the black and white version of the Nicolon crop clearance fabric have the following unique properties:
- High strength in length direction in combination with limited elongation, ensure pulling forces are directly transferred to t he fabric for optimal clearing process.
- High strength in width direction, preventing a narrowing effect during the pulling process. The fabric remains its original w idt h and consequently no drop off during the pulling process.
- Selvages (self finished sides) at both sides prevent unraveling and fraying.
The black crop clearance fabric is mainly used by contractors, specialized in the clearing of crop. They prefer the Nicolon crop clearance fabrics because of the longterm behavior in combination with the ease of handling.
The white crop clearance fabrics, with extremely high light reflection, are mainly used by the growers. The longlife time, lack of narrowing effect, very high light reflection and makes the Nicolon crop
clearance fabrics their first choice.

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